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Focusing on ASIC Chips & Solutions for Smart Things Connectivity

PLC uses existing power line to transmit data and has become a cost-effecitve way of "last mile" connection in many smart systems. PLBus technology and IC chip solutions from LME use advanced OFDM digital communication technology to cope with high level noise and interference on power lines and to achieve reliable data transmission performance and high data rate, comparing with traditional technologies using single carrier and simple modulation algorithms.


LME provides PLBus IC chip and module solutions for (but not limited to) the following applications:

  • Smart grid, AMR and smart metering
  • Smart homes, smart buildings
  • Street lighting control & management in smart cities
  • Smart energy management
  • IoT, data collection, remote controls


11F,Research Building, Tsinghua Infoport, North of Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. C.